I've been a bit pre-occupied. One of my kiddles is having some medical problems (that I've been told I am not allowed to post about.... for now anyway). Nothing life threatening, but definitely life altering. Anyway, I was in the mood for something light hearted and fun today. My friend, Anne, sent this to me and said I could share it with ya'll. If only....

hilarious....if only!
Thanks for the laugh...hope your kiddle is okay.
Those were pretty funny...my favorite was the speedometer!
So funny and so true!! I want to chain the toilet seat down right now!
Hope everything is well with "said" child!
Too funny! I love the toilet too.
I have actually gotten that email before and I made sure that I forwarded it to my husband! :0)
Soo funny!
I hope everything is okay with your family!
haha- I like the parking spot one!
Too fun.
Thos were very funny -especially the bowling alley. I am so sorry one of your kids is having medical problems right now. I know when problems come up with our children - grandchildren, I have to be careful that it doesn't consume me. So my thoughts are with you ---take them all bowling.
Great humor!
Loved this! Gave me a good laugh! Wouldn't it be nice?
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