Thanks to Marci...I am one of the many, many addicts (probably one of the oldest too!). As soon as I started reading Twilight, I knew I was a total goner! Marci even has a Twilight Blog!
When Kayley & Scott were home for Christmas, Kayley began reading the series (while she didn't have classes) and the poor thing hardly slept!
She finished the first one in a flash so we (the girls) could go to see the movie together while she
was on her Christmas break from BYU. It was so fun!
Holly is just starting to read she's hooked already.
Well I just wanted to share the news!

Preorder this item today and it should arrive on or just after 03/21/2009.
Twilight Preorder Exclusive
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Cam Gigandet, Edi Gathegi, Rachelle Lefevre, Billy Burke
Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Format: DVD
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Cam Gigandet, Edi Gathegi, Rachelle Lefevre, Billy Burke
Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Format: DVD
Available at
Awesome new, Thanks!
I have to get one!
Great! Thanks for the link.
I haven't seen the movie yet. I quite liked the books---but I favor Jacob. I am more of a "man" lover. Edward sounds to perfect and "pretty" ...the only guys I know like that are usually gay. have a great weekend.
I pre-ordered WEEKS ago!
I am such a goner! I love it...however I haven't read as much as I would have like to by now. Both boys sick again!! One day I will get through them all.
This is awesome. I'm ordering myself one!
I'll have to get a copy for sure.
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