she also teaches piano and voice lessons to children and adults in the Katy/Houston area.
I could listen to her all day long!
This summer she is holding "Voice Camp". Hope and some of her friends are participating and absolutely love it! Debbie has 2 groups of kids divided by age. The sessions are for 1 hr and the camp goes for 2 weeks. She gave each student a folder with the music they are working on together and the piece she chose for them specifically by their voice range, etc. The students will sing this selection for the recital. The song she chose for Hope is, "On My Own" from Les Misérables

I'll try to get some pictures of them to post and of course Marci will have to tape the recital.
What day is the concert and what time? I'll put it on my calendar.
It's June 27th 9:00 - 12
Oops. It starts at 10:00.
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