I used to have a business, KAM Designs, sewing custom pillows and home accessories. I've been busy with my other
endeavors and haven't made any pillows in quite awhile. My mom just asked me to sew some pillows for her Family Room. I'm really excited about it. She recently had her kitchen Faux painted by an amazing artist, Leigh Townsend at
www.dejafauxanddesigns.com . If you live in the Katy/Houston area and need some custom work done, she's amazing!
My mom wants to incorporate more of the warm colors from her new kitchen into her Family Room. We went to
Calico Corners and picked out some fabulous fabric and trim!

~This is what she wants~
~Her Fabrics and Trims~

I can't wait to get started!
I love the attention to detail you and your mom give to your homes! everything coordinates in a creative, not ordinary, way. I am on a "creative" break right now, after the wedding, but this blog got some ideas going for my next project! I can't wait to see the pillows when they are finished...be sure to post it!
I love those fabrics...not surprised because your mom has always had excellent taste! You are an AMAZING seamstress!
Diane...Let me know what your new project is! I love to hear about what you're doing. I'll have to check Chrissy's blog to see the latest with your new flip house.
You guys are amazing!
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