We are still trying to figure out the whole "gardening in Texas" thing. Jacksonville was supposedly tough but I managed to do quite well. We had gorgeous tomatoes that we ended up sharing with all of our neighbors and friends. Over the years we've had some pretty amazing gardens, if I do say so myself. Syracuse, New York was awesome but the Chicago garden definitely topped it. As
Marci has posted, we are feeling "garden challenged" in Texas. She did a post about
her Texas garden expressing her frustration. I was jealous, at least she had a tomato. I, on the other hand, have been growing beautiful stems! FINALLY we started seeing little yellow flowers. Was there hope for a tomato......Yeah we have some baby tomatoes, not just 1 but 2~
whooohooooooMy goal ......... could we just have enough tomatoes for a dinner salad for the fam??????
Take a look at the buff (as Scott would say) stems though....... they're out growing the Lagustrum!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Should I mention, my dream, is to have enough tomatoes to make my own tomato sauce. I know, stick with the dinner salad for a family meal. Okay then, I'll hope for that!