The Gingerbread Waffles were a huge hit!
We really loved them.
I think the secret ingredient is the fresh ground nutmeg. My friend sent me some from her trip to Grenada. Thanks Cheryl! I had used it before from the spice section in the grocery store and they came in a little glass bottle. Those were ready to grate. These that Cheryl sent were still inside the shell. I tried to grate them and realized I need to crack the shell first. The nutmeg smells so yummy when you grate it. I was in heaven. It reminded me of Rosalia, Christina Bambina's mom. She used fresh nutmeg in the white sauce when she made her out of this world Lasagna. I miss her yummy cooking!
Of course getting breakfast in bed just isn't the same if you can't smell bacon frying!

Here you go, Mr. Mark.

Family Vote....
Should we add these to the Christmas Brunch menu????
I'll definitely be making these!
Can those be Fed-exed? Ha!
Those look yummy!
Does my vote count? Thanks for the follow-up!
Could you, would you, count me in!
Definitely! We all loved the taste test we got! When Ella was done she asked, "Is there any more?!"
I'm voting yes. We're family, right?
You bet we're family Diane.
I'm dying to have the Freeman Family Cafe Rio Pork Salad...I'm sure we could working something out :-)...we'll have to have whites too, don't you think!
Yummmy...thanks for the gift at the front door. Yes, on the brunch. Your Dad said they were the best waffles he has ever had.
mmmm that looks so good- so yes it should be added to our brunch!
So they tasted as good as they look!
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